About Us

My photo
APOLLYON~ I'm the bitchy one. I like cookies, plotting against God, awesome parties. And don't forget the women... :D I'm stuck down in Hell because I misbehave if I get out. I'm the younger brother. LUCIFER-- I'm the logical one. I enjoy things that Apollyon doesn't. I also enjoy torturing helpless souls and spreading the Bad News. I'm the older brother, and the one that actually does all the work around here.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day.

The day of love, romance and kindness.

Blech.  This is not appreciated.

For one who is always alone, it is sad.
For one who is the essence of evil, sarcasm and abandonment it is pure agony.

It will all be over in 13 hours 15 min.
I can't wait.


P.S.  Also, pink is a hideous color.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Response to email!

I have gotten one email.
You know who you are.
Thank you.

Anyway, to respond to your quick question:
"What are the benefits of being elevated straight to demon status? I mean, you're still in hell right?"

Yes, you are still in Hell.  That doesn't change.
Even though I am the devil, I can't change that.
Here are the benefits to direct promotion to Demon Status:
First of all, you need to know that when you are first admitted to Hell, you are assigned to a level which you are not allowed to leave.

If you are promoted to Demon Status:
1. You are permitted to move between levels as you please. (Low Rank demons must request movement from Gehenna- High Rank move at will with periodic check ins)
2. A Private Suite in Gehenna.
3. The Right to Torture other citizens (Lower ranks must request- High Rank must give notice)
4. Private Invitations to Parties at Gehenna.
5. Management Position in a level.  Low Rank= assistant manager  High Rank= Manager
6. HIGH RANK ONLY- "Assignments" Upstairs.  By Authoritative Assignment Only.  

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I must advertise!

Okay, so here it is:

Lucifer and I are constantly checking our inbox for emails from you all.
This does not sit well with me at all.
I sit down here in this stuffy office, doing paperwork, and I always look forward to opening my inbox and checking to see if there is an email I can respond to.
And there never is.
This is disappointing.

I don't mean to sound threatening, but I am disappointed in all our citizens down here.
If you send me an email:
you get special privileges.
if you're not in Hell yet, I can promise you special treatment when you do.
You might even get to stay in Gehenna for a few days, or be promoted directly to Demon status. (which is a very good place to be).

So, in short.
Brighten my dark days, and send me an email.
I'll post it on here, or respond directly.

Damn it all.... I'm being nice.
See what you all have reduced me too!  I am turning more human every day I am sitting down here with nothing to do!

Let me give it another try:
If I do not start getting emails ASAP I'll find a way to make it upstairs: and that won't be a pretty picture.
Be prepared.
I should be receiving emails daily now.


Remember it.
